Tuesday, February 10, 2009

this is what a 3 year old boy looks like

Jax is three years old! I still find that so hard to believe. 3 seems to be a milestone age. If you don’t think so, just go to any toy store … almost every toy, book, or movie is suggested for only those that are “age 3 and up”. Restaurants and other public places recognize this milestone age also… many begin charging for kids at age three. Oh, yay! ha ha. Jax is 3, but he thinks that means he's grown. He's 3, going on 16.
Jax’s birthday is Jan. 9th. We celebrated with him on his actual birthday with an ice cream cake that he picked out all by himself. Later, we had a birthday party with all the family and several friends there to help sing “Happy Birthday to Jax”. I took these pictures a couple days after the party… to commemorate this milestone age even more formally, I suppose.


Susann said...

Awww!!! These are precious! I love the idea of the 3 balloons in the picture. The 2nd one (profile one) is my favorite with balloons, but the one of him squatted down is absolutely precious!!! LOVE 'EM!!

Anonymous said...

and this is a cute little cowboy ~ They are both precious

Anonymous said...

Your right...your little man does look grown! He's going to be a really cute cowboy and have all the little ladies following him around! Time goes by so fast-so keep taking those wonderful photos!

Jennifer said...

He is so handsome!!