Monday, December 28, 2009

Long time, no post

First of all, let me say that the blog is still "on" and I have not forgotten about my dear blog. I LOVE blogging, and I would never just abandon you three faithful readers! I have felt the urge to blog soooo much, but just haven't been able to find the time... or the available technology to get it taken care of. The fact that our home internet access has been very MOODY hasn't helped at all. But, I can't just blame the out-in-the-sticks technology alone. The last couple months have been nothing less than absurdly crazy, hideously hectic, non-stop run-run-running for us, especially for the Queen Bee balancing the end of the semester paperwork and grade submission crunch for 9 class sections (!) along with the family plans of not one, but two, birthday parties all mixed and mingled with the holiday hoopla with the immediate families, semi-immediate families, extended families, and extra-extended families..... whew... that is a run-on sentence for sure. ha. ANYWAY, you know what I mean - time has just FLOWN by!
I have a MILLION AND ONE pictures to share and blog about, plus at least 375, 731 funny stories to share about the Leggett little ones and even a couple about the big Leggett's too, ha ha. It may be next year, but I will get them posted, eventually.
2010 is just around the corner. I go back to work January 4 - only to face 9 classes again (one class shy of 2X the contracted courseload!) for the Spring semester, but I am bound and determined to get some time penciled in for my blog somehow. Afterall, this is my way of documenting so much, and I enjoy re-living by going back and reading about the various phases of our lives on this blog.
Stay tuned, faithful bloggies, I'm dying to share some of my favorite stories and pictures with you!
much love to you all -

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

to make you laugh

Are words really needed for these photos? I hope you have a happy, JOYful Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

write about your summer break

I am so far behind on my blogging, it ain't even funny.
But I really don't know why I expect any different... I am consistently behind on EVERYTHING! ugh.

I have TONS of pictures to post from the summer (and even more that I haven't even VIEWED since taking them - they're still on my memory card!).

We stayed busy, busy, busy during the summer days. And, even after all 3 (!) of the kids were in bed, I'd stay up half the night doing the things that I wanted to do - there was no time for my chores or hobbies during the daytime!

Of course, I tried to blog some at night, but dial-up was very frustrating. I did some cleaning, and tried to organize a bit, but never could really label either of those tasks as completely "accomplished". So, they remain on the list, even though summer is over, like many of my other "to do's".

I also did a little sewing, and I learned to make bows for Joy, so I toyed around with those two new hobbies in my late night "me" time. Here's a few pics:

my first attempt at an A-line dress. I took a class for the specific purpose of learning how to sew a lined A-Line dress. Since Joy has many summer clothes, I decided to contruct an 18-month size for next summer's wardrobe. So, she won't be wearing this one for a while. Hopefully, she'll have some little boots by the time she grows into this dress. The cowgirl fabric is so cute, and will be perfect with little pink boots I think!
Next, I decided to try the lined A-line dress on my own. I even got a little creative with the flower applique. I guessed on sizing and came up with this one, which is still too big for this summer, but oh well; more for next summer's wardrobe!So I tried it a third time, cutting down the size even more, and this time, it worked! Joy wears this little dress quite well! It is pink John Deere fabric with brown accents. Looks great with her pink/brown John Deere soft-sole boots.

Next, I tried a top/pants set. I picked out the pattern, materials, etc. all by myself. Those patterns - whew- it is like reading greek to me! So I was proud of myself in being able to pick it out and buy all the things I needed to make the outfit, then go home and actually put it all together. It was fun, too!

she would NOT put down the blankie long enough for a picture of the outfit! I'm thinking Modeling is not going to be a part of her future, if she keeps this blankie-attachment going, gah! Here's another outfit (and better modeling, except for the mysterious location, LOL):

Before returning to work, I had the opportunity to take another one of Jennifer's sewing classes. It was so much fun to make a sweet pair of bloomers to match the first dress that I made. I still love the fabric. These are gonna be cutie patootie next summer with the matching a-line dress! Tune in next year for pictures of her wearing the ensemble! :-)

And, Jax. I could not forget my dear sweet boy. It is harder to find things to make for a boy who demands only jeans and t-shirts for his daily attire! However, I did find that he was quickly outgrowing his current supply of pj's.... so... viola! --I just whipped up a couple pairs for him! (ha ha)

The first set has construction equipment on them, and the second set has John Deere tractors. I know it is odd to see a child with both pj's and a backpack on at the same time. Let me explain. The second photo was taken on "Pajama Day" - a fun part of Homecoming Week at Co-Lin. Jax really enjoyed getting to wear his PJ's to school that day, and has requested to do it again! LOL

Monday, September 28, 2009

Is it Monday again?

Is it Monday again?

Mondays and bad hair just seem to go hand in hand.

But that doesn't halter the sweet and precious smiles from our Joy.
Joy. How fitting.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

worth a photo op

There's nothing cuter than a sweet little princess in her robe and slippers, feeling comfy yet sassy, and all grins!

There's also nothing functional about baby robes and slippers besides photo opportunities. So, photo op it is! Enjoy!

Doesn't this make you want to have a "Girls Night"???
Oooh, the things she has to look forward to as a Princess girl.

catching up: summer picks

Little farmer Jax had more veggies than he could pick! The gardening got a little old as the end of summer approached, but he had a great time overall. This year, we had tomatoes, squash (oh, did we ever!), butterbeans, and a little bit of corn. Plenty for us, and much left over to share. Next year, we may try something different... Jax is already looking forward to planting time next spring.

Friday, September 25, 2009

week 2 update

Whew! It's been a while since I have gotten to blog. I have been wanting to blog so badly, but I have been so busy just trying to keep ahead with my classes.
When we left off, I mentioned that Jax's car went to a pit stop on Day #2 of the new system. Well, knock on wood, that has been the only visit to a pit stop that he has experienced! Great news! Just as he promised, he has been an angel ever since that initial learning experience.
At the end of Week #2, he got to select a prize but he did not receive a treat due to the pit stop error that occurred earlier in the week. And, yall!, do you know what my sweet boy picked for his prize? A RING for his Momma!! isn't that just so sweet? His very first prize, and he chose something for me. I thought it was the sweetest thing ever, but I also felt bad that he didn't get something that HE wanted. But he assured me that he really wanted me to have the ring. It's orange, his favorite color!
And more evidence of his dripping-sweetness followed: that night, I was rocking Joy to sleep in one recliner, and he was laying accross the other recliner. Finally, Joy zonked out, and I quietly got up to go put her in her bed. As I walked by Jax, all stretched out in the other recliner, he reached up and lightly touched Joy's dangling leg and whispered, "Night Night I love you Joy" as I walked by with her. Doesn't that just melt your heart?!! He's a sweet, sweet boy. I love him.

Friday, August 28, 2009

And then there was week 2

Week 2... getting adjusted, getting used to the routine. This week has been quite interesting with lots of ups and downs. I've enjoyed making fun of all of the excuses (for being absent or tardy from class) that my students are already giving me -- they must truly think that I am so dumb. Oh well, nothing a little reverse psychology can't cure. I also got to make fun of a student who thought the desk in my classroom was a nap mat... NOT a good idea on her part... great fun for me.
Joy is still doing wonderful at daycare. She is always smiling when I drop her off; still smiling when I pick her up. She really likes her little friends. She's had a bit of a runny nose this week, but I think she's gonna pull through it. I think it may be a result of the change in the weather. It's been cooler at night and in the mornings, and actually not-so-sweltering during the daytime too. Josh took us all for a 4-wheeler ride to see the trails that he's been working on in the woods behind our house. She loves to ride! But, it does put her to sleep everytime!! Sooo cute.
Jax. Ooooh, Jax. He's had a great week, too -- both a fun and educational week. This week, Jax's preschool class started a new "discipline system." All of the kids have a racecar on the wall -- the "track." If they engage in disapproved behaviors, their racecar goes to a "pit stop." The Green Pit Stop is a warning and results in the child not receiving a treat at the end of the week, but they still get to select a prize from the prize box. The Yellow Pit Stop is a strong caution and results in a treat at the end of the week, but no prize. And, the Red Pit Stop indicates extreme misdeeds and results with no prize or treat on Friday. Those who do not get off track at all during the week, receive both a prize and a treat on Friday. Ok. So we understand the rules. A letter was sent home last week, explaining the system, and I worked with Jax all weekend to make sure he understood how it would work when he returned to school after the weekend. Monday was great. No one had to go to a pit stop. Tuesday, 3 children went to the Green Pit Stop according to Jax. And one of those was little man Jax himself. ugh! The offense? - not listening and not following directions. As I picked him up Tuesday afternoon, his teacher told me about the situation and Jax stood below us, steadily trying to change the subject by showing me all of his pretty drawings and pictures he had created. Ok, so the Green Pit Stop is just a warning. It just means no treat. Ok, yeah, I understand. But still. ugh! Both Jax and his teacher assured me that he would be better the rest of the week. And, he has been -- no more Pit Stops! Hopefully, that was the only time he will "test the rules out". Lord, bless Ms. Melissa for having sooooo much patience with the preschoolers; she's amazing. :-)
In other "Jax adventures," he was super excited about "Show-and-Tell" this morning. Since they are studying the letter "W" this week, they were supposed to bring something "wild" for Show-and-Tell. Jax picked out his "toon ['coon] skin hat" and this morning as we were on the road, he asked, "Momma, where is Show-and-Tell?" I explained what it is, and he still was confused, thinking he was going to a place to show his hat and explain where he got it. He was so cute as he rehersed what he wanted to tell his friends about it, and he would ask me for verification that he was saying the right thing. Yep, a little politician in the making! Planning his speeches, and going to Momma for verification. That's alright little man!
Last night, as he was laying down, I asked Jax if he had already said his night time prayer. He immediately broke into "Dod [God] is dreat [great], Dod is dood [good], Let us thank him for our food..." I said, that's great Jax, but at night time you're supposed to tell God "thank you" for all the things you are thankful for. He began his "thank you for my____...." prayer and I listened quietly and proudly as he thanked God for his baby sister, Momma, Daddy, fwends at stool, etc. "...and the fwees, and..." WHAT? I had to interrupt. "What did you say, Jax?" "Thank you, Dod, for the fwees [fleas]. We have to tell Dod thank you for the fwees too, Momma, tuz [cause] he made them too!"
oooooooooooooo-kay, thank you, God, for fleas.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Lessons learned the first week of school

So, we all started or returned back to school last Monday. Jax started PreSchool, which he reminds us often -- "prestool, Mama, it's Pre-Stooool!" Joy started daycare. And, I returned to the classroom to teach tomorrow's future leaders everything Psychology, even though it is a well-known fact that they already know everything about everything.
We completed the week, barely sane, and in the chaos, I even managed to learn a few things in the process. Hence, lessons learned the first week of school:

  1. It takes forever to drop off two children, even when their classrooms are located very close to each other. Get this one out, get that one out, get this bag, get that bag, redirect the mobile one that has run off into the parking lot; get his blankie, get her blankie, instruct both to not drop, drag, or step on blankies; hold on for dear life to all gear and pick up blankies off the ground, and try to brush dirt off with no available hands; get his cup, her bottles, sugar for him, sugar for her, then pick up everything that I just dumped out of bags on my shoulder as I bent down for good-byes; yep, now i'm the one causing all the other parents to shift from drive to reverse, and back and forth, as they try to weasel out of the drop-off line.
  2. Do not stop to get gas in the mornings. Because, inevitably, someone will decide that it is time to pee and cannot wait any longer, no matter how much I beg or complain about how long it takes to strap and unstrap children in the carseats, muchless lugging said children into public restrooms and still managing to balance all of my hang-ups about touching stuff in a public restroom. ugh. #1 applies here again.
  3. Playgrounds with bark-looking stuff are much, much better than playgrounds with sand. I am happy to report that we no longer have a sand pile in the floorboard of my car each afternoon. Yay.
  4. Kids will do stuff at school, even when the parent who has spent the most time, not to mention the entire summer, with him/her says that he/she can't do some particular task yet. examples: She doesn't drink juice. He doesn't like academic stuff. She doesn't really crawl. He doesn't write letters well. She doesn't like a sippy cup. He doesn't eat anything. Yep, they tried their best to make a liar out of me this week. The list could go on...
  5. There is no "run in real quick" anymore. No, I do not want to stop by anywhere and pick up anything for you, darling husband. I am tired... and I just do not desire to re-live that nightmare from #1 (or #2) again just because it would be nice for you to have some WD-40 for your deer stand. Or whatever. It's gonna have to be something real good to get me to stop anywhere "real quick"... like, um.... blue lights. ha. And, not yours, so don't even go that route.
  6. Bye-Bye to "time to think and get my thoughts together" on the way to and from work, a 30 minute drive. Now, I listen to Jax's constant questions followed by his own answers, I guess because it takes me more than a quarter of a second to answer. On top of that I listen to random crying/whining from Joy, who still has to face backwards in her car seat, and just cannot understand that the car is not the best place for a game of Pick-Up with her favorite, must-have-all-the-time blankie. When blankie falls, no one can reach it to return it, no matter how much she fusses. Not beautiful music, but yet priceless times.
  7. It is better to have blankie nearby at all times rather than having a clean blankie nearby only sometimes. Washing is not a fun time.
  8. "I go where ever you go," says blankie. And, if you forget, you will get phone calls from teacher. and ten minutes between classes is plenty of time to book it over to drop off a blankie and save the day in the process. Yay, so it is still easy to be a hero from time to time.
  9. The cafeteria food must not be bad, because no one ever remembers what they ate. But Jax always remembers what his friends ate. "I didn't eat the peaches, MaMa. But my friends ate the peaches AND the broccoli. But not me, I didn't eat the peaches or the broccoli, Mama." And, Joy, what did you eat? Hhhhm, that's what I thought.
  10. Even Math Majors agree that there are NOT ENOUGH hours in the day, no matter how good you are at planning, budgeting, and organizing time. Sad, but true. The anal superego within me is starting to settle with this as fact, and my house, car, and office reflect this revelation with one glance. Oh well. I wouldn't trade any of it for anything in this world. I may be crazy, but I like my chaotic life.

Stay tuned for more after Week 2.... :-D

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Day Update

As promised here are the pictures from the first day of Preschool for Jax, and the first day of Daycare for Joy:

Yes, I know, it looks like tons of fun and lots of rebellion going on. But actually, they were both ok with going; Jax was crying because he didn't want his picture made (sleepy!) and Joy was crying because I took her beloved blankie away for the photo op (sleepy!).
Day 2 was much better so I took photos again:

That's about all I got... we were running late and Jax's Photo Tolerance level is currently at an all-time low.

Monday, August 17, 2009

1st day of Preschool / 1st day of Daycare

Today's the day. Both of my children are Co-Lin students now. What classes are they taking? Well, Jax is taking Preschool classes, and Joy is in the Child Development Center. They're hard-working little Wolves! :-)

Jax started his first day of Preschool this morning. He was excited. And tired. He fell asleep on the way this morning, but was happy to wake up and see his new classroom, and all of his friends, both new and old. He was super excited about getting to play on the "big" playground today. Lord, please don't let it rain today so my little man can play on the big playground. I just don't know if he would survive if they didn't let him get out on that big playground today. When I dropped him off, he ran into the room, and immediately returned to get me to show me something cool that he had found to play with (a rocket). Then, off he went again, and never looked back. He found his buddies and was so much into playing and chatting it up with them, that he never even noticed me leave. Aw. Bye, Jax, have a good day! I can't wait to pick him up this afternoon and find out how preschool went!

Joy started her first day of daycare this morning. She was excited. And tired. She fell asleep on the way this morning, but was happy to wake up and see her new room, new friends, and new toys. She was super excited about the mirror in her room. ha. And she was enjoying watching Amelia and Aiden when I left her with Ms. Margaret this morning. Ok, well, actually, she was inspecting them. But at least she was doing so quietly, and not calling attention to herself. yet. I put away all her things, and waved bye, but she was so busy inspecting, she didn't notice me leave either. Aw. Bye, Joy, have a good day! I can't wait to pick her up this afternoon and find out how her day went!
yes. she will tell me. stop snickering.

First day photos coming soon. In the haste to leave the house this morning, I forgot to bring my camera for uploading photos. Guess I thought I may be a little tied up with MY classes; it never occurred to me that I could do a little live blogging today during lunch break, since I forgot my lunch at home. ugh

Sunday, July 26, 2009

tu-tu fun

what says GIRL more than a TU-TU???!!!!
we had so much fun with these pictures, I am finding it hard to pick which few I will post here. warning: picture overload ahead! :-)

once in a while, a girl kinda gets tired of all the fru-fru... and that makes adorable photos, too!

6 months old

oh my goodness, my precious little Joy is 1/2 year old! Time FLIES...

6/4/2009 -- I wanted to be sure to post the date these photos were taken just so you all could see, I was a little bit EARLY taking her 6-month photos, because she was not actually 6 months old until 6/9... so that is 5 DAYS early!!! woah! even I am flabbergasted! ha.

I guess the teeny weeny fact that I am nearly 2 MONTHS late posting them does sorta ruin the party... oh well... better late than never, that's my motto.


May 31, 2009 ~ Baby Dedication Service ~ Calvary Baptist Church

we anticipated this service for a while, as we wanted to dedicate our precious baby girl to the Lord, just as we had dedicated Jax when he was just a wee one. the service was very nice, and special to us because our extended family was there. our children are definitely loved. we are so thankful that the Lord picked us to raise them up in his way here on Earth.

there were four other sweet babies (all girls!) dedicated on the same day as Joy. These girls will be friends as they grow up together, I'm sure.

here's a few pictures from the ceremony:

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Jax is a wanna-be player...

an old wise man (who happens to have been my very first crush!) once said...

"Mommas, don't let your babies grow up to be Cowboys...."

But, what about guitar-players?????


Jax calls him Davin 50% of the time. (He intends to say Gavin, it just comes out as Davin)

The other half of the time?


they are cousins but Jax doesn't really seem to care to hear about the family tree.
Buddy is good enough for him.

they make me think of the Fox and the Hound... such good friends... and SO CUTE when they call each other "Buddy"

Friday, July 17, 2009

big taste made by the little folk

Jax is at the age where he sincerely wants to help. Help clean. Help cook. Help anything. Just help. He is excited to exert his growing awareness of his independence, and loves to display his skills by helping me or his Daddy do just about anything.
Sometimes, help is just a hindrance. Too much help can actually slow you down. But I try to remember what it was like to be in this wonderful age of discovery (yes, I can actually remember wanting to help my mom in the kitchen), and allow him the opportunity. I know, like so many other things, this won't last for long... so I better enjoy the help, whether desired or not, while I can. More importantly, I cherish the time spent during all of those occasions that I'm receiving the unsolicited help. They really are sweet times.
If your toddler is ready to help, try these for a fun supper one night. The kids can do practically all of the preparation themselves, and they are oh-so-proud of the resulting meal. And, it's something they will actually eat themselves! yay - everyone wins
Jax loves to make little pizzas. We take English muffins and cut them in half (we like the sourdough ones best). Place them on a cookie sheet (I always ask Jax to count them as he places them on the sheet.... you know, just to make sure we have enough!). He uses a spoon to spread pizza sauce (from a jar) on each muffin. Next, he adds other toppings that each person in our family will enjoy. Canadian bacon, pepperoni... Josh likes mushrooms and black olives, so we aim to please, and customize a few with those yucky-looking things. Sometimes. Sometimes, we make Daddy eat only the "normal" stuff. ha ha. Anyway, Jax also loves to sprinkle "white cheese" and "yellow cheese" on top. I help him put them into the oven, and we bake them until the cheese is melted... they are yummy. These are great snacks or appetizers. Sometimes, we make these little boogers for our main meal! (It's sad to say, but being the picky eater that I have always been, we aren't a very nutritionally-conscious family... these little pizzas are very "healthy" compared to some of the other junk foods I have suggested for our meals in the past!)
These are really quick (great for those little attention-spans!) and easy (no measuring; no right or wrong way to do it)... plus, what kid doesn't love PIZZA??? Even the big kids in your household will love them. Sometimes, you just gotta forget about the nutritional meal stuff and let the kid come out! YUM